Engaging the Millennial Meeting Attendee

Millennials continue to perplex the older generations, especially when it comes to meeting culture. It's forecasted by 2020 over 46% of U.S. workers will be Millennials, and the more tenured professionals are scrambling to make sense of this growing employee base.
An article from Success Meetings tackles the topic with some suggestions to ensure meetings flow smoothly and everyone in the room--including Millennials--are engaged:
Include them. Millennials generally like to speak out and don't want to feel intimidated or ignored by older employees.
Hear them. Though they like to speak out, Millennials operate best in smaller groups. 88% of millennials prefer collaboration over competition.
Challenge them. Millennials tend to see themselves as ready for increased responsibilities early in their career.
Think sustainable. Millennials are eco-friendly and environmentally conscious. Much of their decision making is swayed by this.
Consider mentoring. Though they leverage electronics at a higher degree than their predecessors, Millennials do desire to learn from people.
Communication is key. Millennials are extremely social, and proper communication is essential.
Don't underestimate them. Remember, in excess of 46% of the workplace will be Millennials within 3 years, and that means they will be interacting with each other. Business will rely on Millennials to not only lead, but to engage with partners and customers who are also dominated by Millennials.
The complete article from Successful Meetings is available online.