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Outdated conference room technology: a $37B problem

Outdated conference room technology: a $37B problem

Prysm launched the second installment of their "Six Realities Disrupting the Workplace" report series this month. Appropriately named "Meetings have Lost Their Mojo," it focused on three core reasons corporate meetings are often ineffective: insufficient preparation, difficulty engaging participants and outdated conference room technology. According to research by Prysm, this leads to lost productivity at a $37 billion yearly cost. 

As Prysm drilled into the respondent data, several points emerged around technology enabled meetings: 

  • 35% of respondents stated connectivity issues reduce the quality of web conferences
  • 28% of respondents stated it is difficult to keep an accurate account of everyone's input
  • 25% of respondents felt strongly that their employers provided adequate tools to collaborate effectively
  • 20% of respondents pointed to the lack of ability to share files digitally as being a challenge

All of this led respondents to conclude upgraded (and updated) technology would lead to a positive impact through better decision making and employee engagement. 

Of course, newly deployed technology is only effective when used, and automation and simplification are driving adoption at an increased pace....this is where TechLogix comes in. 


Prysm's report (including a pretty nice infographic) can be downloaded online from their website.  


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