‘Work’ is no longer a place that people go

The boundaries of workplaces are melting down fast, as today people can choose where they work, thanks to the consumerization of IT as well as democratization of it. These are making organizations rely more on the virtual communication tools than ever before- a glue that binds these geographically dispersed teams together.
Meeting room trends are common no matter where you are in the world. Employees are blurring the lines between personal and professional, and technology is hastening the evolution.
According to an article by CIOL, "today’s workforce was raised on technology – they expect work to be the natural, intuitive way that work gets done, from anywhere, at any time. They want to have the flexibility to connect from any device, any location, and they expect that experience to feel no different from meeting in person.
We are witnessing a rise in huddle rooms or small group collaboration. Individual workspaces have been shifting from the old-fashioned private office to partitioned open spaces like cubicles, and more recently to fully agile workspaces. As companies take advantage of distributed workplaces, meeting spaces are changing and conference rooms are getting smaller."
These trends are driving the need for easy-to-use collaboration solutions that combine function with cost-effectiveness. That's where TechLogix comes in...