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Another Argument for Corporate Tech: Ghost Meetings

Another Argument for Corporate Tech: Ghost Meetings

A fitting topic for Halloween, right?

Insight published a report with an astounding statistic: employees are failing to show up to almost half of scheduled meetings. These "ghost meetings" are killing productivity and ushering in a revolution in corporate meeting culture. 

The easy answer is to hire more dedicated employees and flip management, right? Well, not so fast...a couple statistics from the report: 

  • Only 6% of meetings have 10 or more attendees whereas 76% have three or less attendees
  • 20% of meetings are booked within 15 minutes of them taking place
  • 10% of meetings include non-employee participants
  • 30% of scheduled meetings are complete no-shows

The issue is that legacy office spaces don't facilitate this changing corporate culture, and large meeting rooms have become obsolete ghost towns. Worse yet, according to the report the lack of available rooms delay meetings and increase employee frustration, thereby affecting decision making and having an altogether nasty effect on productivity. 

Enter the huddle room

When we build a corporate office culture that includes multiple meeting spaces and encourages adhoc collaboration, we positively dodge these alarming statistics. 

What's more, when we encourage automation in the meeting room, we facilitate non-employee users and ensure meetings start effectively on time without a frustrating technology learning curve. 

The complete article from Insight is available online


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