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The vast majority of users are satisfied with smart technology

The vast majority of users are satisfied with smart technology

Smart home technology is all the buzz, and according to metrics from MediaPost the vast majority of users are extremely pleased with their products. 26% of consumers now own a smart product and, of those owners, 98% are satisfied with their devices and 74% are very satisfied. 

MediaPost's survey went also uncovered that 65% of consumers "are excited about the future of smart technology as part of everyday life in their home." However, there some key reservations holding back purchases: 

  • 42% are concerned with pricing
  • 17% are concerned with privacy and security of data
  • 7% don’t think will actually use it
  • 6% think the technology is too complex
  • 5% simply don't think the products are relevant

Interestingly, the survey also tackled why folks are apt to make the investment: 

  • 12% want better control of their home
  • 10% thought it would make their home safer
  • 10% believe the technology will increase convenience
  • 10% simply wanted to try out the technology
  • 9% thought technology would improve the quality of life
  • 8% follow favorite tech brands and releases of product
  • 7% thought it would help them be more productive
  • 6% want to save money on my home bills
  • 5% want to sync smart devices with other tech devices
  • 3% want to track personal info
  • 1% believe smart technology will boost the value of their home

Real metrics are great, and this report echoes similar research following Voice Control. Regardless, whenever actual users respond with a 98% favorability rating, technology has a bright future.   

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